August Oak Hills PTO Minutes


August 8, 2011–Pending Approval

Present Members: Ruann Donnelly, Sandy Gingell, Kathy Moshinsky,

Cyndie Pelto, Jennifer Yamashiro

1. 9:30 am-Call to Order with Introductions and Agendas handed out



  • Flyers for coffee/BTS Picnin due to Tammy/Cynthia Aug 15
  • Calendar Updates
  • Staff Breakfast?
  • BTS Picnic update
  • Packet Stuffing Day, Aug 31
  • First Day Parent Coffee
  • Volunteer Training/Curriculum Night-Switch
  • Innisbrook update?
  • Spirit Committee
  • PTO Meeting Times during School Year
  • Anything Else?


2. Flyers-Tammy and Cynthia have requested flyers for packets. Kathy Moshinsky informed that she had begun copying, but was unable to finish prior to the end of the year. She was unaware that she could go back in the building already and was now planning on getting that done and to them promptly.


3. Calendar Updates-Cheryl Hagseth informed Cyndie that the Curriculum Night would be taking place on September 13 from 6-8 p.m. and Volunteer Training would be on September 15 due to a scheduling conflict. Sandy noted that Teachers will need to be informed of the change in schedule affecting the Curriculum packets being done at the Work Party as planned initially. Work Party will be on Wednesday, September 14.


Stuffing Packets will take place at 10 am at the school on August 31.

Class Lists will be Posted on Thursday, September 1 around 4 pm.

The Building will be closed on Friday.

Tae Kwon Do will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning November 13. There will be 5 classes this year.

4. Staff Breakfast—The Staff returns on August 29. Cyndie will send out an email for food signups. She will also coordinate a time with Cheryl for drop off of the food. There will be muffins, fruit, bagels, breakfast casseroles, coffee, and creamer.


5. BTS Picnic—Cyndie reported that Sheila Brewer is pleased with all the details so far. She seems to be good with volunteers and will email for any help that she needs further down the road.



6. Parent Coffee—Kathy Moshinsky reported that the percolator is ready and there will be Tea and Juice, too. Many members discussed wearing their Oak Hills Shirts and volunteer lanyards at the coffee to make themselves visible for questions from parents. Jennifer Yamashiro will be bringing Ask Me pins for people to wear and Cyndie will give a brief welcome to the parents.


7. PTO Eblast—Deanna Middleton and Anne Bryan will be meeting to do E-blast training on August 10.


8. Innisbrook—Anne Bryan was absent. The Assembly will take place from 2:00-2:30 on September 30.


9. Spirit Committee—Sandy Gingell reported that the first Spirit Committee activity was finished for the 2011-12 year and will be presented to the staff upon returning to the school on August 29. They are prescription bottles with personalized labels and M&M’s inside. Due to allergy issues one will contain Jelly Beans. There will be a meeting planned once school starts to figure out activities for the rest of the school year.


10. PTO Meeting Times—Cyndie reported that meetings have been established for after school and at 7pm, right now. They will alternate every month starting with after school in September. Meetings will take place the 3rd Monday of the month. Meetings will ideally take one hour and then conclude. Quarter sheets will be sent out to families in the fall to try to draw more parents to the meetings. The First Meeting will be at 2:45 on Monday, September 19.

11. Oak Hills Wear—Discussions took place regarding Tattoos, water bottles, lanyards, and T-Shirts with the Oak Hills emblem on them. A company has given us prices regarding Water bottles, but prior to establishing an order, we would like to see the merchandise and check quality levels. Jennifer Yamashiro said she would look into it and also contact another company for price comparisons and other options.

At 10:45 the meeting was adjourned.