August 2013 PTO Meeting Minutes


Attendance: Michelle Schnoor, Jennifer Yamashiro, Cyndie Pelto, Will Gingell, Cyndie Pelto, Laurie Rodgers-Green, Wendy Turinsky, Sandy Gingell, Michelle McGhee, Cheryl Hagseth

Principal Report:

School was tagged over summer, along with other areas of the OH neighborhood.  Please keep eyes and ears open for any misconduct on or around school property.

Painting almost finished (poles in back, trim work, and doors),

Capital Improvements are on the Sign out front… Fast Signs are giving a bid on reader board,  within the month.  Also working with organizations to get more bike racks, probably need paving done, etc.  Could use grant for construction. 

Patty Delph retired, interviewing for position

Terra Linda recalled Jeff Axman, so there is another 5th grade position open. 

Ms. Chamberlain accepted a position of student supervisor at Findley Elementary.  Alison Abney was hired to replace her.

Lunch ordered for Wednesday for staff.

Oak Hills had the highest Oaks Scores at 98.8% overall rating.   Great Job OH!!!!!

Treasurers Report:

Stipends, continue to remain at $100 per class for Full Time classrooms, Specialists get $50. 

Committees need to follow their budgets closely this year.  Committee chairs need to handle all reimbursements.  PTO must approve anything that will go over BEFORE the $ is spent. 

Excited to move forward with a special project!!! 

Need to look into getting the track repaved/replaced/drainage fixed.

Covered Playground?

Other Items:

  • Friday 16th – Class Lists posted 4pm
  • Monday 26th – 7:30am, Staff Breakfast (Heather Lambert and Melica Ellerbrook)
  • Wednesday 28th – 9:30-11:30am – Packet Stuffing @OH gym, need volunteers
  • Get volunteer form from Sheri
  • (Jennifer Y.) decide on envelope, what to include, include description attached to envelope, encourage ONE check per family.
  • Coffee flyer
  • Michelle and Jennifer – talk to Cynthia about schedule for Kindy for parent coffee
  • All kindys start on the 9th, coffee @11:45.  Morning coffee on 3rd.

Back to School Picnic

  • 3pm set up begins (need volunteers) Cyndie  bring trash can boxes
  • 4:30-5:30pm – Supply drop off/meet your teacher (check with Cheryl)
  • Volunteers and board in front directing to classrooms (use OH graduates, Laurie R-G make nametags for kids)
  • Laptops in each classroom for parents to sign up for directory and eblast.
  • 5-7pm – Picnic
  • Food: Pizza Schmizza, Food Cart guy, Bro Dogs (sandwiches, etc.), Joe’s Burgers, Shaved Ice – Bring $$$, we are NOT selling tickets for food this year.  Vendors will be giving the school a % back from their sales, just like DNO.
  • Booths:  Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, T-Shirts, Volunteer Signups (Sheri), Champions, DJ, YMCA, Westview Baseball, (Michelle: email YMCA, Champions, Westview Baseball), Scrip Table ? (Cyndie) ,
  • Games: NO Field Games, BYO blankets, Frisbees, etc.
  • Jennifer talk to Sheila re: beverages, etc.

Put up back to school info night on OH neighborhood readerboard (Jennifer/Michelle)

Volunteer Training, Tuesday 10th 9am, Wed. 11th 7pmCurriculum night Thursday 12th 6-8pm, Cyndie send Michelle and Jennifer PowerPoint

PBIS 9th at 8-9am
September PTO meeting 16th @7pm

October PTO  meeting changed to 7pm

Board members still needed: Co-President

Committee Chairs needed: Sheri will get update

On The Move:

Start 2nd week, Tues, Wed, Thursday

Still using Volunteer Spot

Kiln awareness (Rebecca and Wendy)


Kickoff assembly on the 9th, Cyndie needs to get a flyer together for packet. 


Possibly look into bulk school supplies for fall.  Check with Jen Anderson on story she did.