PositionNameEmail Contact
Co-PresidentAlina Horrockspresident@oakhillspto.org
Co-PresidentAndrea Seidmanpresident@oakhillspto.org
Co-Vice PresidentMiriam Ortizvicepresident@oakhillspto.org
Co-Vice PresidentTami Rothenfluchvicepresident@oakhillspto.org
Co-TreasurerJessica Reedtreasurer@oakhillspto.org
Co-TreasurerMollie Zeuthentreasurer@oakhillspto.org
Co-SecretaryLeah Morrissecretary@oakhillspto.org
Co-SecretaryKatherine Weitzelsecretary@oakhillspto.org
Co-Volunteer CoordinatorLaura Hoffmannvolunteers@oakhillspto.org
Co-Volunteer CoordinatorMelissa Hansenvolunteers@oakhillspto.org

PTO Communication Policy

Please direct any request for communication, fundraising or information distribution to our PTO membership (email, flyer, Facebook posts, or website information) to vicepresident@oakhillspto.org

Please also be aware that we follow Beaverton School District policy that requires any request for communication, other than promoting PTO business to our members, must be approved in advance by the Beaverton School District.

The Beaverton School District reviews materials distribution request from community based, non-profit, and for-profit organizations on a monthly basis. Materials submitted for review must offer educational and/or extra-curricular learning opportunities for children, families and/or staff.

Our Webmaster requests that approved communication material be submitted in Word (.doc), Publisher (.pub) or Powerpoint (.pptx) at least seven days prior to your event.  All photos must be royalty free, public domain or have written approval from the originator.